About Us


The Youth Law Institute is a student led non-profit organization with a goal of promoting the education and the awareness of legal proceedings, and the legal system within primarily North America, but also internationally. We aim to promote the accessibility to educational law materials including weekly videos, monthly seminars focusing on a legal theme per month, and resources to learn about current legal cases, along with past legal cases. We hope for people to gain an increased knowledge of the legal world in a simple way that emphasizes their learning, and helps them enjoy the practice of law. Join us!

Meet the Team


  • 36 U.S states and 39 different countries

    Countries and States with volunteers/learners engaging in the Youth Law Institute

  • 830 Active Volunteers

    People aided/volunteers the Youth Law Institute

  • 75,000 learners

    People who completed learning videos, interacted on social media, and attended seminars

Welcome Introduction Meeting

Watch the video above if you couldn’t come to our introduction meeting. You’ll learn more about our origin, mission, and expectations!

Click on the image above to view our welcome slides!!